Who We Are
Educacion 2020 is a civil society organization that works to promote quality, equitable and inclusive education for children and young people. We were founded in 2008 as a citizen movement and we are based on the conviction that a good educational system is the cornerstone of a more democratic, participatory and fair society.

Proposals for educational innovation
Educational innovation is essential to generate real changes in the school education system, with the aim of educating girls, boys and adolescents as protagonists of their own history and as agents of change for the construction of a fair, equitable, inclusive and sustainable society.
To this end, we provide systemic support in educational establishments, strengthening teaching skills, managerial and distributed leadership, and collaborative and networked work (intra and inter schools).
Project-Based Learning
PBL is an educational innovation strategy that actively involves students in their learning. They carry out a research process based on real-world questions or problems to then create concrete and effective solutions.
Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring (Tutoring Networks) is an innovative educational approach based on the premise that good learning occurs when the interest of the learner matches the ability of the teacher.
Innovation & Technology
Educational innovation is used to make visible, value and strengthen technical-professional education through the articulation between schools, the world of work, higher education and relevant actors in the territories.
How do we help?
Are you ready to help us change Education?
At Fundación Educación 2020 we continue to dream that another education is possible and we know that dreams come true if we believe in them. Today we want to invite you to dream of a more just, democratic, humane and collaborative Chile, and to do so, we need to believe again that another education can be real if we chart this path together.
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Education 2020
Project-based learning
Peer Tutoring

FOR FUNDACIÓN EDUCACIÓN 2020, it is essential to participate in various collaborative instances of civil society, the academic world, educational communities and spaces that help strengthen the debate on education.
Every year we participate in various collaborative actions because we are convinced that we work better together.